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What is the twin tank advantage?
During periods of high water usage you will always have
one tank on standby ready to go at anytime. You have 100% all the time
soft water.
These tanks are 44" tall |
Heavy Duty 112,000 grain metered system
3.5 cu. ft. Fine Mesh Resin
Removes hardness and iron
This tank is 65" tall |
Commercial Duty 224,000 grain capacity
Capacity for the most
demanding requirements
Tanks are 65" tall
Metered Timer Vs. Clock Timer |
Twin Tank Water Softener |
Heavy Duty Water Softener |
Commercial Size Water Softener |
*Metered timers will
regenerate based on water used versus number of days since last
regeneration. Saves salt and water, also when
**water usage varies because of peak demand
resulting from higher water consumption on weekends (guests or children home
from college). Using a metered timer guarantees you will have
your system at peak performance.
Single Tank System
with Metered Timer
Metered Timer counts gallons of water used.
Regenerates only when
needed. This saves water and salt.
- Single 12" x 48" tank
- 2 cubic feet of high quality standard resin,
64,000 grain capacity
- 13 gallon per minute flow rate
- Timer measures water usage
- 18" x 33" brine tank, 375 # salt capacity
- Bypass valve and connector
Price $ 830.00
- Designed to handle moderate hard water
- **Twin tank design for
un-interrupted service
- Two 10" x 44" tanks
- 80,000 grains of softening capacity (2.5 Cu. Ft.
- Automatic tank switching
Price $ 1439.00
Single Tank System
with Clock Timer
64,000 Grain Capacity
- System identical as picture to the left but
with clock timer
- Single 12" x 48" tank
- 2 cubic feet of high quality standard resin,
64,000 grain capacity
- 13 gallon per minute flow rate
- Automatic 12 day timer
- 18" x 33" brine tank, 375 # salt capacity
- Bypass valve and connector
Price $ 725.00
Filters4h2o US LLC
5750 Graham Lane
Owensboro, KY 42303 |
Filter4h2o@aol.com Phone: 1-800-884-0560 |
- Designed to handle moderate hard water
- Single 14" x 65" tank
- 112,000 grains of softening capacity (3.5 Cu.Ft.
- *Metered timer
measures gallons to determine regeneration point.
- 22 gallon per minute service
- Highest quality "Fine Mesh" resin media for greater
- "Fine Mesh" resin enhances iron removal.
- Commercial brine tank, 24" x 41" holds twice the
salt compared to a standard system
Excellent choice when iron is not an issue.
- Designed to handle severe hard water problems
- **Twin tank design for
un-interrupted service
- 224,000 grains of softening capacity (7 Cu. Ft.
- Automatic tank switching
- *Metered timer
measures gallons to determine regeneration point.
- 22 gallon per minute service
- Highest quality "Fine Mesh" resin media for greater
- Commercial brine tank, 24" x 41" holds twice the
salt compared to a standard system
(2) 14" x 65" Fiberglass tanks
Fleck 9000 metered timer
Price $ 2296.00